Monday, December 31, 2012

Caring for Your Masterpiece

Drink more water
Eat more veggies
Get more exercise
Love God and His People

This is the path to health

This summarizes all my health research. I will go into more detail, but this sums it all up.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Monday, December 17, 2012

Monday, December 10, 2012

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Dont wake the mom and epidurals

The First Hour Following Birth: Don’t Wake the Mother! - by Michel Odent
God is so good to provide for a baby and mother's needs this way!

A new study of homebirths vs hospital births
400+ Certified Proffesional (non-nurse)midwives,  5000+ moms
"Results; 655 (12.1%) women who intended to deliver at home when labour began were transferred to hospital. Medical intervention rates included epidural (4.7%), episiotomy (2.1%), forceps (1.0%), vacuum extraction (0.6%), and caesarean section (3.7%)[c-section rates in the general population at this time were nearly 30%]; these rates were substantially lower than for low risk US women having hospital births. The intrapartum and neonatal mortality among women considered at low risk at start of labour, excluding deaths concerning life threatening congenital anomalies, was 1.7 deaths per 1000 planned home births, similar to risks in other studies of low risk home and hospital births in North America. No mothers died. No discrepancies were found for perinatal outcomes independently validated.

"Conclusions; Planned home birth for low risk women in North America using certified professional midwives was associated with lower rates of medical intervention but similar intrapartum and neonatal mortality to that of low risk hospital births in the United States. ...

"Individual rates of medical intervention for home births were consistently less than half those in hospital, whether compared with a relatively low risk group (singleton, vertex, 37 weeks or more gestation) that will have a small percentage of higher risk births or the general population having hospital births (table 3). Compared with the relatively low risk hospital group, intended home births were associated with lower rates of electronic fetal monitoring (9.6% versus 84.3%), episiotomy (2.1% versus 33.0%), caesarean section (3.7% versus 19.0%), and vacuum extraction (0.6% versus 5.5%). The caesarean rate for intended home births was 8.3% among primiparous women and 1.6% among multiparous women. ...

No maternal deaths occurred. After we excluded four stillborns who died before labour but whose mothers still chose home birth, and three babies with fatal birth defects, five deaths were intrapartum and six occurred during the neonatal period (see box). This was a rate of
 2.0 deaths per 1000 intended home births.[the US average is around 7 deaths per 1000 births] The intrapartum and neonatal mortality was 1.7 deaths per 1000 low risk intended home births after planned breeches and twins (not considered low risk) were excluded. The results for intrapartum and neonatal mortality are consistent with most North American studies of intended births out of hospital11-24 and low risk hospital births (table 4).14 21 22 24-30 ...

"When the author compared 3385 planned home births with 806 402 low risk hospital births, he consistently found a non-significantly lower perinatal mortality in the home birth group. The results were consistent regardless of liberal or more restrictive criteria to define low risk, and whether or not the analysis involved simple standardisation of rates or extensive adjustment for all potential risk variables collected.22"

Read the whole report of the study here

The Dangers of Epiddurals
Avoid epis (for birth) if at all possible. The best way to avoid epis is to avoid induction. Induced labor hurts more necessitating  more pain relief. Avoiding epis also lowers your risk of c-section.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Pill: Making Motherhood “Better”?

No, I don't think so.

Friday, November 30, 2012

How Breastfeeding Benefits Mothers' Health: Scientific American

At these rates, I should live forever,LOL.<br /><br /><a href=";page=3">How Breastfeeding Benefits Mothers' Health: Scientific American</a>

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Study Confirms Link Between Autism and Use of Cells From Abortions in Vaccines

Guess I might be wrong. It's not the mercury causing the autism (though I still think it unwise to give a baby the RDA "safe" amount of mercury for a 400 pound man!)

I think I would prefer the mercury.
 Study Confirms Link Between Autism and Use of Cells From Abortions in Vaccines

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Women's Care

Yep, Bo really cares about women.

Unless they are over 70. Then their doctors may not be allowed to treat them in an emergency room (already being enacted).

Or they are women who think it's more important for their family to have food than health insurance.

Or they are women who believe it is a sin to preform an abortion or hand out birth control.

Or, of course, if she is a woman who is not born yet. Than she doesn't even have the most basic right to life.

You know, actually, it looks like BO only really cares about women who want to kill their babies. Hmmm.

What socialized medicine actually is is telling one woman she has to pay for another woman's doctor and medicine.

I have a novel Idea: let's each ay for our own medical expenses.

Friday, October 5, 2012

insulin resistance

I thought it was time to write up a post about what I did different in my last pregnancy. Just to recap:
Baby 1 weighed 8.5.
Baby 2-9.1
Baby 3 was miscarried at 10 weeks
Baby 4- 8.12
Baby 5- 8.8
Baby 6-9.2
Baby 7- 9.8
Baby 8- 10
Baby 9- 10.8
Baby 10 miscarried at 11 weeks
Baby 11 miscarried at 10 weeks
Baby 12 miscarried at 6 weeks

At this point I have too big concerns;

Stop the miscarriages
Grow smaller babies

When I realized I was pregnant for the 13th time, I began using progesterone cream every day. I did that for three and a half months and weaned off of it.

Miscarriages apparently solved.

Those big babies though are a sign of gestational diabetes. I had perfectly normal numbers until baby 9. Then I tested borderline gd and had a couple of fainting spells. GD carries several potintial complications for both mom and baby. When I first realized I was pregnant, I started my mom's "hypoglicimia diet." I tweaked it a bit with help from my midwife. The results?

Baby 13- 8 pounds even 
(and me 20 pounds lighter by my 6 week than before I got pregnant.)

Here's what I did:
I ate some sort of protein food every two hours (this would be meat, nuts, milk, cheese, yogurt, eggs or in a pinch, a protein bar, though I had to watch those. They have sugar and taste too good, so I am always tempted to eat too many of them. Half a bar is suficient)

When I ate a meal, I made sure I had no more carbs than protein. I did not count most veggies as a carb, but I did count fruit and all grains (including corn) and breads.

No sugar. (Well, ok, if the hubby and the dc were having cookies for desert I would have ONE. Or if there was one of my favorite deserts at our church potluck, I would have about three small bites. Otherwise though, no sugar)

I did NOT limit my calories. If I was hungry, I ate. i just made sure it was mostly protein.

I drank lots of water.

We monitored my blood sugar with A1C tests every three months instead of one glucose tolerance test at 20 weeks. The GT test tells you how your body is responding today to sugar (and always makes me sick for the rest of the day). The A1C measures the amount of glucose attached to your hemoglobin. This tells you how much sugar has dumped into your blood over the last three months. No fasting or sugarry dirnks necessary!

An A1C score of 8.0 is considered diabetic, 6.0 is pre-diabetic, 4.8 is "normal." With baby 9 I was 6.1.

My scores with baby 13, while eating the above diet, were:

And baby was 2lb 8oz lighter than his older sister. Because of the complications we had in his delivery, had he been a bigger baby, he would likely have died. (You can read about Josh's birth here, but I don't recommend it if you are subject to fear)

As it was, today he is a perfectly healthy toddler who just celebrated his first birthday.

I highly recommend this type of diet for anyone concerned about too big babies or Gestational diabetes.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Thoughts on homebirth

There is a common accusation that homebirthers are more interested in having a good experience than in their baby's safety. This is actually an incredible insult. It is an accusation of such extreme selfishness as to be criminally dangerous.

The truth is that every homebirther I have ever met was way more concerned about safety than the "experience."

The evidence shows that for a low-risk pregnancy home is almost always safer. Period.

It is just coincidence that it is also a much more pleasant experience than a hospital birth.

In other words, what is safer for baby is also nicer (and safer, by the way) for mommy.

(Now, high risk pregnancies may actually need our medicalized hospital births, but that is a small percentage of the population. Yes, some babies who die or are injured at home wouldn't be if they were born at the hospital. But we aren't told of the many children that are injured or killed by the procedures at the hospital who would have been fine if born at home.)

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Abortion and the clash of worldviews

Abortion and the clash of worldviews

"If you believe that
1) man is a created being and has a nature determined by an intelligent and purposeful design, and
2) man is an immortal spirit being which inhabits a mortal body, and
3) there is a universal moral law governing life, marriage, sexual activity, and the family,

you will probably oppose abortion.

 If you believe that
1) man has been randomly evolved and has no fixed nature or design, and
2) man is purely a physical animal and/or a material machine, and
3) morality is culturally or individually determined, or if a politically correct elite determines right and wrong,

you will probably favor abortion on demand.

If we give in to calls for "tolerance," we will lose. The other side has no tolerance for us and will show us no quarter. In a fight to the death, a demand for "tolerance" is the equivalent of saying "roll over and play dead, so we can kill you in peace."

Friday, March 30, 2012

The Well-Rounded Mama: Twin Study: Dieting Makes You Fatter

The Well-Rounded Mama: Twin Study: Dieting Makes You Fatter

Written in technical talk, but it means that when one twin chose to diet and they other didn't, the dieting twin got fat! So maybe the reason some people can eat anything they want is BECAUSE they have always eaten anything they want.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Coffee Is an Essential Benefit Too

Allysia Finley: Coffee Is an Essential Benefit Too -

Been following the bc/ healthcare/ obamacare/ Catholic church issue. I have something that needs to be brought to BOs attention. He should force my hubby's employer to buy me a horse and some hay.

I have always loved horses but simply can't afford to feed one. I am mentally much more balanced when I have livestock around and we all know that caring for horses is great exercise. In fact, a horse should be cheaper than gym membership plus a psychiatrist. This, of course means I have the RIGHT  to have a horse. And Hubby's employer should pay for it because we all know employers are evil demons from hell and so don't have any rights to property or anything like that.

Really the whole BC/Catholic Church uproar has nothing to do with BC or insurance. It is all about how much power the government has.

BO and his buddies think it should be illegal to believe BC and abortion are sins. Pure and simple. Unfettered sex, blatant hedonism, and self worship are now the official State Religion.

How dare the Catholic church so blatantly deny the Official Government Religion!

"When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.

When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.

When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.

When they came for the Jews,
I remained silent;
I wasn't a Jew.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out."

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Ethicists Argue for Acceptance of After-Birth Abortions |

Ethicists Argue for Acceptance of After-Birth Abortions

'The two are quick to note that they prefer the term “after-birth abortion“ as opposed to ”infanticide.” '

Well, duhhhh. Of course they do.

'The authors counter the argument that these “potential persons” have the right to reach that potential by stating it is “over-ridden by the interests of actual people (parents, family, society) to pursue their own well-being because, as we have just argued, merely potential people cannot be harmed by not being brought into existence.” '

The whole point of abortion is selfishness. Women are supposed to be allowed to "pursue their own well-being" no matter how many babies they have to murder to do it.

'The second we allow ourselves to become the arbiters of who is human and who isn’t, this is the calamitous yet inevitable end. Once you say all human life is not sacred, the rest is just drawing random lines in the sand.'

Yep. how long before people can legally kill their 3 year olds? What's the difference? And how long before the gove decides which people are worthy of the right to life? it won't matter if the parents want the baby or not. it will matter if the government does. and the handicapped and elderly? They are not "real people" and thus won't have the right to life either.

No one is truly free until all humans are free. No one has the right to life until EVERYONE'S right to life is protected, including the unborn's.

Monday, February 20, 2012

What if...

What if obesity was NOT caused by laziness and gluttony?

What if it were caused by genetics, a virus, and/or chemicals they put in our food and vaccines?

What if the health problems "caused" by fat were in fact caused by poverty and dieting?

What if it were impossible to loose weight and keep it off?

How does this change your life?

I finished "Health at Every Size" by Linda Bacon a few days ago. She has degrees in health, nutrition, dieting, and psychology and presents the evidence in this book that all the above is true.

So how does this change my life?

I can now focus on how food makes me feel instead of how many calories it has. I can enjoy one or two cookies and know that I don't have to eat the whole box. I can be free to eat more tomorrow if I want to. I'm not cheating, I'm enjoying myself.

I am moving more because it feels good to dance and stretch, instead of movement being a chore "I really should do but don't feel up to."

I eat slowly and taste my food, enjoying its texture and flavors. I don't have to rush through the meal due to feelings that I should somehow be able to live without food. It's not sinful to enjoy the full experience of that food that God has provided. In fact, Jesus said He is the Bread of Life. This means He is the treat, the enjoyment, the spice that makes life worth living. If food is an object lesson for how much we need God and How much we should enjoy Him, then we really should slow down and take full pleasure in our meals. Only in this way can we begin to really enjoy what God is to us.

Hunger is the body's signal that you need food. It is not natural nor healthy to ignore that signal. In fact, why do we say a woman who journaled every bite she ate, exercised for an hour a day, never ate desert, and was always hungry, but weighs 100 pounds has an eating disorder, but if she weighs 200 pounds she is being "wise and disciplined"? This is a double standard. This behavior is just as destructive in a Fatty Patty as it is in Skinny Minny.

God made many different sizes and shapes of bodies. Why does our society think that half-starved scarecrow (or more disturbing- pre adolescent boy with boobs) is the only beautiful body? Curves are feminine. Curves are a sign of health and fertility and maturity (wisdom).

It's time we told our society to go "fry ice." It's time we embraced life, no matter what size we are.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Book Review: Health at Every Size

I touched on this idea briefly in my book, but have learned so much more since finishing it. You can bet the whole chapter on weight control will be rewritten in a future edition.

The information in this book can be life changing. I highly recommend it to everyone of every weight. The best way to tell you about it is from exerts from the book itself:

"THE HAES MANIFESTO Health at Every Size: The New Peace Movement We’re losing the war on obesity. Fighting fat has not made the fat go away. However, extensive “collateral damage” has resulted: Food and body preoccupation, self-hatred, eating disorders, weight cycling, weight discrimination, poor health. . . . Few of us are at peace with our bodies, whether because we’re fat or because we fear becoming fat. It’s time to withdraw the troops. There is a compassionate alternative to the war—Health at Every Size—which has proven to be much more successful at health improvement—and without the unwanted side effects. The scientific research consistently shows that common assumptions underlying the war on obesity just don’t stand up to the evidence.

"Assumption: “Overweight” and “obese” people die sooner than leaner people.
False! Almost all epidemiologic studies indicate people in the overweight or moderately obese categories live at least as long—or longer—than people in the normal weight category. The most comprehensive review of the research pooled data from 26 studies and found overweight to be associated with greater longevity than normal weight. Analysis of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys I, II, and III, which followed the largest nationally representative cohort of U.S. adults, also determined that the “ideal” weight for longevity was in the “overweight” category.

"Assumption: Being “overweight” or “obese” puts people at significant health risk.
False! Epidemiological studies rarely acknowledge factors like fitness, activity, nutrient intake, weight cycling, or socioeconomic status when considering connections between weight and disease. Yet all play a role. When studies do control for these factors, increased risk of disease disappears or is significantly reduced.5 What’s likely going on here is that these other factors increase disease risk at the same time they increase the risk of weight gain.

Assumption: Anyone who is determined can lose weight and keep it off. False! The vast majority of people who try to lose weight regain it, regardless of whether they maintain their diet or exercise program.67 This occurs in all studies, no matter how many calories or what proportions of fat, protein or carbohydrates are used in the diet, or what types of exercise programs are pursued. Many studies also show that dieting is a strong predictor of future weight gain.

"Assumption: Weight loss will prolong life.
False! No one has ever shown that losing weight prolongs life. Some studies actually indicate that intentional weight loss increases the risk of dying early from certain diseases.

"Assumption: The only way for “overweight” people to improve health is to lose weight.
False! Most health indicators can be improved through changing health behaviors, regardless of whether weight is lost. For example, lifestyle changes can reduce blood pressure, largely or completely independent of changes in body weight. The same can be said for blood lipids. Improvements in insulin sensitivity and blood lipids as a result of aerobic exercise training have been documented even in persons who actually gained body fat while participating in the intervention.

Assumption: Health is declining as a result of an “obesity epidemic.”
False! While it’s true that we’re moderately fatter than we used to be, life expectancy has increased dramatically during the same time period in which our weight rose (from 70.8 years in 1970 to 77.8 years in 2005). That’s right, government statistics predict that the average kid can now expect to live almost eight years longer than his or her parents! Not only are we living longer than ever before, but we’re healthier than ever and chronic disease is appearing much later in life. Death rates attributed to heart disease have steadily declined throughout the entire spike in obesity. Both the World Health Organization and the Social Security Administration project life expectancy to continue to rise in coming decades.

Blame Economics
Why do these faulty assumptions continue to proliferate and why isn’t the reality more widely known? There can only be one explanation when science so blatantly contradicts popular thought: economics. There is a huge industry that benefits from widening the boundaries of what is considered a problematic weight, including weight loss centers, supplement makers, drug companies, physicians, and Even scientists benefit by getting research grants and serving as consultants, or by running weight loss centers at universities...

Trust yourself.
We all have internal systems designed to keep us healthy—and at a healthy weight.

Support your body in naturally finding its appropriate weight by honoring its signals of hunger, fullness, and appetite.

Adopt healthy lifestyle habits.

Develop and nurture connections with others and look for purpose and meaning in your life. Fulfilling your social, emotional, and spiritual needs restores food to its rightful place as a source of nourishment and pleasure.

Find the joy in moving your body and becoming more physically vital in your everyday life.

Eat when you’re hungry, stop when you’re full, and seek out pleasurable and satisfying foods.

Tailor your tastes so that you enjoy more nutritious foods, staying mindful that there is plenty of room for less nutritious choices in the context of an overall healthy diet and

Embrace size diversity.
Humans come in a variety of sizes and shapes. Open to the beauty found across the spectrum and support others in recognizing their unique attractiveness."

Bacon, Linda (2010-02-02). Health At Every Size: The Surprising Truth About Your Weight (p. 278). Perseus Books Group. Kindle Edition.

(BettySue again) Diets are unhealthy. God put hunger in our bodies for a reason. Hunger signals us that our bodies need food. Learn to eat healthy. Learn to enjoy moving. Learn to love the life and the body that God gave you. This is the way to health.

Book Review: Health at Every Size

The information in this book can be life changing. I highly recommend it to everyone of every weight. The best way to tell you about it is from exerts from the book itself:

"THE HAES MANIFESTO Health at Every Size: The New Peace Movement We’re losing the war on obesity. Fighting fat has not made the fat go away. However, extensive “collateral damage” has resulted: Food and body preoccupation, self-hatred, eating disorders, weight cycling, weight discrimination, poor health. . . . Few of us are at peace with our bodies, whether because we’re fat or because we fear becoming fat. It’s time to withdraw the troops. There is a compassionate alternative to the war—Health at Every Size—which has proven to be much more successful at health improvement—and without the unwanted side effects. The scientific research consistently shows that common assumptions underlying the war on obesity just don’t stand up to the evidence.

"Assumption: “Overweight” and “obese” people die sooner than leaner people.
False! Almost all epidemiologic studies indicate people in the overweight or moderately obese categories live at least as long—or longer—than people in the normal weight category. The most comprehensive review of the research pooled data from 26 studies and found overweight to be associated with greater longevity than normal weight. Analysis of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys I, II, and III, which followed the largest nationally representative cohort of U.S. adults, also determined that the “ideal” weight for longevity was in the “overweight” category.

"Assumption: Being “overweight” or “obese” puts people at significant health risk.
False! Epidemiological studies rarely acknowledge factors like fitness, activity, nutrient intake, weight cycling, or socioeconomic status when considering connections between weight and disease. Yet all play a role. When studies do control for these factors, increased risk of disease disappears or is significantly reduced.5 What’s likely going on here is that these other factors increase disease risk at the same time they increase the risk of weight gain. Assumption: Anyone who is determined can lose weight and keep it off. False! The vast majority of people who try to lose weight regain it, regardless of whether they maintain their diet or exercise program.67 This occurs in all studies, no matter how many calories or what proportions of fat, protein or carbohydrates are used in the diet, or what types of exercise programs are pursued. Many studies also show that dieting is a strong predictor of future weight gain.

"Assumption: Weight loss will prolong life.
False! No one has ever shown that losing weight prolongs life. Some studies actually indicate that intentional weight loss increases the risk of dying early from certain diseases.

"Assumption: The only way for “overweight” people to improve health is to lose weight.
False! Most health indicators can be improved through changing health behaviors, regardless of whether weight is lost. For example, lifestyle changes can reduce blood pressure, largely or completely independent of changes in body weight. The same can be said for blood lipids. Improvements in insulin sensitivity and blood lipids as a result of aerobic exercise training have been documented even in persons who actually gained body fat while participating in the intervention.

Assumption: Health is declining as a result of an “obesity epidemic.”
False! While it’s true that we’re moderately fatter than we used to be, life expectancy has increased dramatically during the same time period in which our weight rose (from 70.8 years in 1970 to 77.8 years in 2005). That’s right, government statistics predict that the average kid can now expect to live almost eight years longer than his or her parents! Not only are we living longer than ever before, but we’re healthier than ever and chronic disease is appearing much later in life. Death rates attributed to heart disease have steadily declined throughout the entire spike in obesity. Both the World Health Organization and the Social Security Administration project life expectancy to continue to rise in coming decades.

Blame Economics
Why do these faulty assumptions continue to proliferate and why isn’t the reality more widely known? There can only be one explanation when science so blatantly contradicts popular thought: economics. There is a huge industry that benefits from widening the boundaries of what is considered a problematic weight, including weight loss centers, supplement makers, drug companies, physicians, and Even scientists benefit by getting research grants and serving as consultants, or by running weight loss centers at universities...

Trust yourself.
We all have internal systems designed to keep us healthy—and at a healthy weight.

Support your body in naturally finding its appropriate weight by honoring its signals of hunger, fullness, and appetite.  

Adopt healthy lifestyle habits.

Develop and nurture connections with others and look for purpose and meaning in your life. Fulfilling your social, emotional, and spiritual needs restores food to its rightful place as a source of nourishment and pleasure.

Find the joy in moving your body and becoming more physically vital in your everyday life. 

Eat when you’re hungry, stop when you’re full, and seek out pleasurable and satisfying foods.

Tailor your tastes so that you enjoy more nutritious foods, staying mindful that there is plenty of room for less nutritious choices in the context of an overall healthy diet and

Embrace size diversity.
Humans come in a variety of sizes and shapes. Open to the beauty found across the spectrum and support others in recognizing their unique attractiveness."

Bacon, Linda (2010-02-02). Health At Every Size: The Surprising Truth About Your Weight (p. 278). Perseus Books Group. Kindle Edition.

(BettySue again) Diets are unhealthy. God put hunger in our bodies for a reason. Hunger signals us that our bodies need food. Learn to eat healthy. Learn to enjoy moving. Learn to love the life and the body that God gave you. This is the way to health.