Thursday, January 1, 2015

CDC Autism Scandal: Tsunami of Anger is Brewing and About to Explode

CDC Autism Scandal: Tsunami of Anger is Brewing and About to Explode

I have a cousin who is dealing with autism with a grandchild. I am thankful my family hasn't been directly affected by this disease that has gone from 1 in 10,000 in 1940 to 1 in 68 today.

Or has it?

Hubby (fully vaccinated) breaks out in hives if he touches a pine tree, certain lawn chemicals (like the ones commonly used in parks), fabric softener, or any soap but Ivory. He also randomly breaks out in hives for no apparent reason, causing him extreme pain.

Several of my kids (some fully vaxed, some partly) do the same things, only they get to add dish soap and something else I haven't completely tracked down yet.

For a few year I could not eat onions without having an asthma attack. Do you know how many things have onions in them? I am better now and can eat onions as long as I don't go overboard.

One dc gets an asthma cough when he is near alfalfa.

One of my partly vaxed children has some mild learning disabilities, including extreme ADHD. The more chemicals I remove from our lives, the less problem she has learning. She asked for a book for Christmas!!!

My brother has had asthma all his life, keeping him from playing as many sports as he wanted to and affecting him in many ways since school.

And my mom....

Did you know that ALL the test monkey who received the first polio vaccine got soft-tissue cancer? ALL OF THEM.

My mom had polio when she was four. The vaccine was introduced in 1955 when she was 12. They gave it to her, even though she already had had the disease and was immune for life. Her and her baby brother at the same time.

My beloved Uncle Jesse died of soft-tissue (liver) cancer last year. He was 67.

My mom has been fighting soft-tissue (breast cancer that moved to her liver) for two years now. The last time I saw my uncle was when he came out here for my mom's cancer surgery.

Allergies, asthma, cancer have all been around for thousands of years. We have records of Aristotle treating them.

But they were rare.

Very, Very rare.

Today, they are all at epidemic proportions.

So is MS, MD, Lupus, Childhood diabetes, FM and a whole host of other diseases that used to be rare or didn't even exist until the last half century.

All of these are immune dysfunction diseases.

Something has changed. Something has caused our immune systems to quit behaving right; overreacting or not functioning at all (cancer).

I am increasingly convinced that the more you screw with the immune system (and that's what vaccines are; trying to fool the immune system), the more you screw it up.

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