Saturday, July 30, 2011

Ob vs Mdwife

This is about right on the difference between an appointment with an OB and an appointment with a midwife.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Well-Rounded Mama: Taking Away the Fat Kids Again

The Well-Rounded Mama: Taking Away the Fat Kids Again

Be healthy:


Eat lots of fruits and veggies.

When at all possible choose whole grains

Don't eat sugar

Don't eat refined foods (lunch meats, margarine, Most pre-made deserts, etc.)

Don't stress


If you lose weight, great.

If you don't, great.

Being healthy is the goal.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Popular birth control pills' safety weighed - Canada - CBC News

Popular birth control pills' safety weighed - Canada - CBC News

"For now, however, Health Canada said it "considers that the benefits outweigh the risks when drospirenone-containing contraceptives are used as directed in the Canadian Product Monograph.""

You mean the benefits like cancer, increased hormones in our water supply, cheapening of sex, devaluing of women into nothing but play things, endangerment of our culture (and social security) through lack of people, etc.?

Oops, there goes my gender!

Oops, there goes my gender!

It doesn't matter how much doctors mutilate a persons body, their dna either has two x's or an x and a y. God assigned gender at conception. We can't change that.

UN Women Advances Radical Agenda at U.S. Universities - HUMAN EVENTS

UN Women Advances Radical Agenda at U.S. Universities - HUMAN EVENTS

Let me get this straight, women being killed because they were raped is not important enough to warrant the UN's attention but teaching girls to masturbate does.

Uhhhh, yeah.

Polish MPs give moving testimony before voting for total abortion ban |

Polish MPs give moving testimony before voting for total abortion ban

"How else can we treat the disabled and the people conceived in rape living around us, if we think that at some stage in their life, they can be killed if this is more comfortable?” asked MP Jan Dziedziczak.

MP Anna Sobecka said killing a child because of the illegal actions of his or her father amounts to “executing a kind of death penalty on an innocent, unborn man.”

“The death penalty for criminals was abolished in the European Union as in-humanitarian, and it is still practiced for the innocent, the smallest, weakest children,” she lamented."

Diet Soda Is Why You're Fat | Fast Company

Diet Soda Is Why You're Fat | Fast Company