Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Got you attention didn’t I?

I just skimmed through doctor Dean Adell’s book Eat Drink And Be Merry (Which I mostly agree with and recommend). He recommends sex for your health; good exercise and stress reliever.

The best sex in the world according to studies? Between a married, monogamous man and woman. Think about it; the more professional ice skating partners practice together the better they get. Same for sex. The more you practice sex the better you get. When you change partners, you start all over.

Another thought says the best sex is to found …..

Among the Amish. Read…

“Not Safe, Nor Private, Nor Free: Wendell Berry on Sexual Love and Procreation” for more information.

Another essay on the subject from a newly wed.

It is NOT Our Culture that has Sexualized the Breasts

The devil has been very successful in promoting one of his biggest lies: sex was his idea and is only enjoyed in sinful ways.

The truth is that sex was God’s idea, His invention. God’s first gift to Adam after life was a naked woman. His first command to humanity was “Go make babies.” (You recognize it as “Be fruitful and multiply” Same thing.)

He could have made us reproduce without sex. He made other animals do it. Snails, for example, are both male and female. Many animals reproduce without actually having intercourse.

But God gave us sex as the best wedding gift we could possibly receive.

The restrictions He puts on sex in the Bible are for our protection. Extra-marital sex, for example, spreads disease, creates fatherless children, destroys our hearts each time there is a break up and creates a confusion of loyalties. The rules against extra-marital sex are for our protection and the protections of our loved ones.

So, let’s all go out and be Amish!

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