Thursday, January 15, 2015

� CDC Sends Fact Sheet Linking Polio Vaccine to Cancer Down the Memory Hole Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

� CDC Sends Fact Sheet Linking Polio Vaccine to Cancer Down the Memory Hole Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

EVERY parent should do the research into vaccines before they give
their child shots. When my oldest were little there just wasn't
information available and I never questioned my doctor. Today there is
no excuse. We have the internet (or you're not reading this) and all the
information at your fingertips.

Question: Why have cancer rates skyrocketed since the 50's?
Question: Why is it that the more educated and richer a parent is the LESS likely they are to vaccinate? This is
not a reason to not vax in and of itself, but it is a reason to stop
and do some research yourself. These parents are the people in our
culture who are most able to get a hold of the research and to
understand it when they read it. And they aren't vaxing.
Question: Who profits from the pro vax position? Who profits from the anti vax position? Who pays for the studies?

Question: What were the results of the New Zealand study comparing the
health of vaxed and unvaxed kids? Why aren't we doing such studies here?

Question: Why do so many parents have the exact same story; "My kid was
perfectly normal until the day they got their 18 month shots. They have
been autistic ever since."
Question: Why have allergy, ADHD, MS,
MD, FM, Lups and so many other immune system dysfunction diseases risen
so high so fast in the last half century?
Question: How could shots
have caused the 90% decline in EVERY communicable disease (even those
that don't have shots) BEFORE the shots were even introduced? If all
these diseases declined so much before the shots, why isn't the decline
since the shots from the same source and not the shots at all? How do we
know poking the kids with the sharp needle is what keeps them from
getting sick and not the flush toilet instead?

Every medical procedure has side affects. Only the truly ignorant will
consent to follow their doctor blindly and not do the research
themselves. Know what you are putting your kid at risk for before you
make the decision. You may still choose the shots. That is your right.
But know what you are doing.

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